Thursday, June 28, 2012

Picasa Slide Show

I had the hardest time figuring out how to put this on my blog... until I went to the class site and saw that it come with step by step illustrated instructions. Oops! At least it's here now!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Web 2.0- Glogster

I did my Web 2.0 project on Glogster. I enjoyed getting to learn about it. I wish it was under different circumstances because it can be a very time consuming thing and I had 1,000 other things going on, but it IS awesome. Working with someone else was infinitely easier using the Wiki. We were both able to put our ideas on there and communicate through that medium. It made it easy to work together without having to compare schedules and meet up.

Glogster is an interactive online poster board. Teachers can use it to assign homework or projects. I love the idea of using it for a book report the most. Anything on your Glog can be made into a link to anything of your choosing. Students can link to each others Glogs or back to their teachers Glog. I really think that Glogster is a good way to help students stay engaged in school. If technology is their world, it only makes sense to incorporate it into their school work.

As a future special educator, I think Glogster is awesome for students that use technology for communication. Some students cannot use scissors and glue for a project but this allows them to be creative and show off what they can do. It gives students work more personality.

I think Glogster assignments will be used in my classroom in the future for sure.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Minute Essay (Aha!)

My biggest Aha! moment so far in class would be the inquiry based activity. I was so overwhelmed by it and I sincerely thought that there was no way I could do it. I didn't know what to look for or what to write. I was so unreceptive to the idea at first.

However, as I started looking at different science standards and searching for some cool websites I realized that it wasn't as hard as it seems. I now can image myself implementing it in so many different subjects in my classroom. It's such a fun way for students to use technology and learn at the same time. 

It's been that way with a lot of things in class. I am so stand offish towards them and I really need to stop because I am more capable of doing these things than I thought I was.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We made our own Wordles during Mallory's presentations tonight. I copied and pasted my about me from the class wiki. I think it's pretty cool to see what I talk about most. Maybe it's just a tiny bit obvious what my passion really is....

Wordle is such a cool classroom tool. I can see myself implementing it in several different ways. I like how you can customize it however you want to. The colors, fonts, and designs are all changeable. I think this is another good way to give students ownership over their work. Overall, I really, really love Wordle!