Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Website Evaluation Process

The website evaluation that we did in class totally overwhelmed me at first. I freaked out because I couldn't easily find the information that the forms were asking for. But I calmed down, looked around, and found all of it. I think my anti-technology attitude needs to change because I hate those freak out moments. Once I took a breath and thought about it, all of the information was relatively easy to find. 

I can understand why these things that we were asked to find are important when choosing sites to use in the classroom. It's important to make sure that students are using up-to-date, reliable sites so that they are actually learning useful information. There's no sense in learning things that aren't true. Also with this being the internet age, I think that the students would be better equipped than me in knowing if something is outdated. 

Overall the worksheet and the evaluation process was a good learning experience for me. I am glad that I pushed through it with the first site that I came across even though I wanted to give up and find an 'easier' one.

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