Thursday, June 7, 2012

Great Expectations

It is no secret to anybody that knows me that I, for a lack of better words, suck at technology. I think that computers just break when I go near them. I can't work a GPS, a cell phone, and I definitely can't work an iPad.

I am optimistic about 486 though. So far everything seems to be progressing at a pace that I can follow easily. I also like that it's such a small class so it's easy to be like, "Hey, wait, I'm confused." I know that this class is crucial because technology has taken over our world. Kids as young as 2nd grade are bringing their iPhones to school now. I believe that, even if I don't quite like it, technology IS the future and the best way to teach children is to use the world around them to their advantage. Students are going to be way more engaged if they can use technology for assignments. So why not let them do so when it is appropriate?

Another really big deal about technology and why I want to learn more about it is that in special education there are numerous studies about how technology can enhance their learning experiences. I know at UT right now there is a study being done with iPads and the interactive touch technology being beneficial for students with cerebral palsy. 

So really, I have high expectations for this class. I have never had a bad experience in any of my education classes and I don't expect this to be one either.

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