Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goodbye, TPTE ):

The last class starts in about 15 minutes. So I guess now is a good of time as any to write my reflection of this class. On the first day I said that technology breaks as soon as I even think about going near it. I am not entirely convinced this is not true, but this class has made me so much more confident in my abilities with technology. I have always known technology integration was crucial in a classroom, but this class showed me that there are so many fun, creative ways to do that. From Pixlr to Glogster or iMovie to Google Sites, I learned that there are infinitely many ways to immerse students in technology that will not just help them learn, but that will also keep them engaged. I am personally proud of myself for figuring out as much as I have in this class. I always go home and talk about my projects and things like that. 

So it's been a good class as far as that is concerned.
Thanks for everything you've taught me!

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you too! I am so glad you grew in confidence concerning your use of technology. You did great work and I am sure you will find creative ways to use technology in special education.
