Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I actually used Timetoast when I was in highschool for some yearbook and newspaper assignments. I think it is such a fun, more technology-based way to discuss chronological events. It can even be a fun way to do a "get-to-know-your-class" activity. I thought it was interesting that it does not let you do anything BC. I don't ever plan on teaching history but if I had to that would be a disadvantage to Timetoast. 

You can use this Web 2.0 tool in every subject in the curriculum for any grade. The younger students can benefit from viewing the information in a new way and the older students will benefit from the hands-on approach of making their own timelines. Timetoast is a great way to teach the history of any subject. It is also a good way for students to see the goals for the year mapped out. There are just so many different ways to use it! 

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