Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Resource Wiki

I was placed in the group for the special ed/deaf ed/interpreting wiki for the cross-classroom resource assignment. One reason I was initially excited about this is because all of the SPED majors are friends and I was pretty excited to be able to work "with" my friends. It was a good assignment to show the benefits of a wiki. The two we did previously only included people in our class but I think that making us work with students in other classes was a really great way to show the true power of a wiki. We were all able to work on the formatting and the content of our wiki without ever talking. We made use of the comment boxes quite often. It was a pretty flawless system in my opinion. It was also nice to be able to read people's annotations of different websites to see if it's a good site for me to use without having to go through and find out for myself. It made making the resource part of my teacher website a breeze too, so I am definitely thankful for that!

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